Women of Influence Luncheon with Lora Thomas Feb 2023
Date and Time
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST
Space is Limited! Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to hear Lora Thomas speak.
Pegasus Restaurant
313 Jerry Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
$49 for members
$59 for future members
Contact Information
Carrie Lohr
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Our very special guest speaker this month is Commissioner Lora L. Thomas, District III.
Please join us for lunch, make new friends and connections.
The Women of Influence Luncheon Series provides opportunities and a venue for women leaders to network, share their best insights and business practices, and foster connections with others. Each quarterly luncheon will address a particular key issue and solutions to women’s advancement.
Join us for lunch and an afternoon of inspiration and networking!
By attending our women’s luncheon you have the opportunity to meet with some of the most influential business women in our community. Come join us for this inspirational lunch and make your next strategic business connection at this event!
About our Speaker:
Lora Thomas was first elected Douglas County Commissioner, District III, in November 2016 and began serving her first term in Commissioner Lora Thomas January 2017. She was re-elected in November 2020 and began serving her second term in January 2021.
Ms. Thomas is a third-generation Coloradan who has called Douglas County her home for 28 years.
As a Douglas County Commissioner, Lora Thomas will bring leadership, valuable life lessons and conservative values to the Office, and her door will always be open to listen and learn from all Douglas County residents.
In addition to her fundamental responsibilities as a County Commissioner, Ms. Thomas also serves as a representative of Douglas County, by way of Board appointment, to the following area organizations: Douglas County Mental Health Initiative; 18th Judicial District Attorney’s Seizure Board; Chatfield Basin Watershed Authority; Highline Canal Conservancy; Northwest Douglas County Economic Development Corporation; Douglas County Emergency Telephone (9-1-1) Authority; Douglas County Sheriff’s Office Forfeiture Board; Unified Metropolitan Forensic Crime Lab Board; and Mile High Flood District (formerly Urban Drainage and Flood Control District). She also serves as Chair of the State Emergency Medical and Trauma Services Advisory Council (SEMTAC) Prevention Committee and was elected as Treasurer of the Mil High Flood District.
Additionally, Commissioner Thomas shares in the Board’s responsibility for the County’s presence on the Partnership of Douglas County Governments; the Denver South I-25 Urban Corridor Transportation Management Authority; the Denver South Economic Development Partnership; and the Metro Area County Commissioners.
Thomas also serves on the Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI) Board of Directors as Secretary, and on the following CCI Steering Committees for the General Government, Justice and Public Safety and Tourism and Economic Development Steering Committees. Thomas was appointed by CCI to represent counties on the State Department of Human Services Works Allocation Committee and in December 2020 was appointed to the Public Safety Communications Subcommittee. She also serves on the National Association of Counties Justice and Public Safety Policy Steering Committee, and on the State’s Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Subpanel.
In 2018, Ms. Thomas was appointed by the Governor to serve on the Coroners Standards and Training Board as well as the State Emergency Medical Trauma Services Advisory Committee and its State EMTS Injury Subcommittee, and she was reappointed to these boards in 2020.
The Board of Douglas County Commissioners also serves as the Board of Adjustment, the Board of Human Services, and Liquor Licensing Authority, and the Board of Social Services.
While living in Douglas County, Ms. Thomas has been involved in the community through her service as the Chairman of the Victim Compensation Board for the 18th Judicial District; a member of the Public Issues Committee for the Highlands Ranch Community Association; and a Board Member for the Men’s Crisis Connection.
She currently serves as President of “A Night with the Coroner,” a non-profit that raises funds for suicide prevention efforts. Thomas first ran for public office in 2010, was elected and served a four-year term as Douglas County Coroner, from 2011 to 2015.