Pauls Mystery Ship to End ALS
We are a charitable organization; contact us via our website or email.
Driving Directions:
Our Walk this year is being hosted by our Mystery Ship Partner-- 105 West Brewing Company on Sunday, September 22, 2024. The walk begins and ends at this location: 1043 Park St. Castle Rock
About Us
Paul's Mystery Ship to End ALS set sail in 2020 when Paul Dannels lost his fight with ALS. ALS causes devastating changes to those affected--weekly, often daily. With no cure, those affected with ALS face the inevitable changes that take away mobility, communication & eventually breathing. We are honoring the memories of those who have lost their battle with ALS, promoting advocacy through awareness of ALS, & offering support for families facing ALS together: keeping hope, KINDNESS and love alive. It is our goal to help support research to end ALS & build an inventory of special equipment to loan to families in their time of significant need. Families are suffering as they face end of life realities, we want to bring emotional calm to these families & let them know they are neither alone n
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